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Peru’s Nuncio Allegedly Forges Pope Francis’ Signature to Blackmail Two Families: Withdraw Complaint Against Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu or Face Excommunication

FOTO: Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu


For Media contacts and further info, please write to jacquespintor@gmail.com

On September 12, 2024, we broke a story no other media outlet dared to follow up on: the Peruvian Prosecutor's Office has accepted a complaint filed against Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu, a Spanish Vatican official and member of the Office for Serious Offenses (Delicta Graviora) at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. You can read the details of our report at the following link.

Today, on the evening of September 27, 2024, the families involved have publicly disclosed the threats they received directly from the Nunciature in Peru. The victims, attending a meeting urgently convened by the Nuncio in good faith, were not advised to bring legal representation. During this meeting, they were threatened with excommunication if they did not withdraw the complaint filed against Monsignor Bertomeu within 48 hours. Bertomeu allegedly leaked the contents of their private testimonies to the press, which prompted the families to file a complaint for the severe moral harm caused by this breach of his professional obligations. When confronted, Bertomeu acknowledged these actions via official messaging channels, after the victims' names were published alongside defamatory remarks in the Peruvian press and in ReligiónDigitalcom. This media outlet serves as the propaganda arm of clerical corruption in Spain.

Our team contacted colleagues in Peru, and through the communications office, we obtained documents that confirm the prosecutor's office's acceptance of the complaint against Bertomeu.

We will continue to cover these developments as they unfold. Later today, we will share a more detailed account and the document confirming the Prosecutor's acceptance of the complaint.

—Jacques Pintor

Peru’s Nuncio Allegedly Forges Pope Francis’ Signature to Blackmail Two Families. The Video


It is understood that the Nuncio is the highest representative of the Vatican’s diplomatic mission in a country —in this case, the Embassy in Peru. We cannot bring ourselves to consider the other possibility: that a head of state has ordered the blackmail and threatened excommunication of a father and mother with no trace of mercy.

If it turns out that Francis personally ordered this criminal vendetta while handing a €100 bill to a waiter after a coffee in Belgium or while dining with transgender people and sex workers without seeking their conversion, we will have no qualms about reporting it. These devout Catholics, dedicated professionals in values-based education, were not given any documentation. Giuliana Caccia is a Social Communicator with a Master's in Marriage and Family from the University of Navarra in Spain. At the same time, Sebastián Blanco is a coach with a Master's in Leadership and Personal Development and has pursued studies in psychology.

But that is not the worst part. The worst part is that even as they retain the messages from monsignor Jordi Bertomeu admitting to violating professional secrecy out of frivolity —resulting in defamatory articles published in the Peruvian press and Religión Digital in Spain attacking these people— the highest representatives of the Catholic Church are now threatening them with the gravest penalty that can be imposed on a Catholic: excommunication. Meanwhile, Pope Francis has shielded and continues to protect paedophiles and rapists, such as his former confessor Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta (finally sentenced to four years in prison in Argentina) and the Hungarian Jesuit artist Rupnik, whom Francis appointed to a position after the scandals of violating several nuns and then hearing their confessions of their shared sins —an act deemed more severe than the crime of rape in the Catholic Church. And so, “Sancho, we have hit the Church,” sighed Don Quixote’s Manchegan knight. We predict that Francis will not recover from this —a papacy that should have ended with his resignation for causing division and schism within the Church.

Following is the transcription of the video

On September 26, 2024, at around 9:00 a.m. (Lima time in Peru), we received a call from Monsignor Zummer, who serves as Secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature in Peru. He informed us that the Nuncio, Mons. Under the orders of the Holy Father, Paolo Rocco Gualtieri urgently needed to meet with us at the Nunciature’s headquarters. We attended the meeting and were given a document that included a Penal Precept, signed by Pope Francis, giving us 48 hours to comply with five conditions. Failing this, we would enter a process of ferendae sententiae excommunication.

As explained in the video, a few months ago, we filed a criminal complaint against monsignor Jordi Bertomeu Farnós, a member of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, for violating professional secrecy by leaking the content of meetings held with him. This led to defamatory and morally damaging articles in certain press outlets.

With absolute shock, we read in the document that our actions —namely the complaint— are described as criminal acts, allegedly intended to:

  1. Publicly incite hatred against the Apostolic See;

  2. Obstruct the free exercise of ecclesiastical authority;

  3. Illegitimately damage the reputation of third parties.

Given this, they asked us to:

  1. Immediately withdraw the criminal complaint.

  2. Apologize to members of the Special Mission.

  3. Explain our actions to the media outlets we contacted. We reiterate here that we have not contacted any media.

  4. Notify the Nuncio of our actions.

  5. Refrain from making any future public statements in the media or filing any other complaints regarding the matters related to the Special Mission.

If we do not comply with these five conditions:

  1. We will be excommunicated. Thus, we will be prohibited from receiving the sacraments and must be removed or interrupted from any liturgical action we attend.

  2. We must pay an expiatory penalty of 100,000 soles each to Caritas Lima.

  3. We will never again be able to present ourselves as Catholics publicly or represent the Catholic Church in any social event.

It deeply saddens us to reach this point. Still, we cannot accept the conditions imposed by the Penal Precept, as it would mean acknowledging a series of events that do not correspond to the truth and accepting that we have committed crimes that do not exist. We do not want our decision to lead to discouragement or mistrust in the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Despite the pain, we remain at peace and with a clear conscience, and we will continue to work for the values of life, family, freedom, and the identity of our country.

You can view the document where Caccia and Blanco are threatened with excommunication in this post, here.

You can read the original Post, and follow the original documents through this link, here.

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