“Journalism is either free or it is a sham.” — RODOLFO WALSH
The cardinal mentioned in the Spanish newspaper "El País" laughs when a journalist reminds him of the accusation against him of covering up for sexual abuse, citing specific cases that he even covered up with violence.
In this post, we present a two-minute YouTube video clip of the question posed by journalist Jordi Picazo to Cardinal Omella and the law firm Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo.
Happy reading.
1. YouTube video clip (2') showing Picazo confronting Omella with his silences.
2. Transcript of the video audio.
3. The full video.
1. YouTube video clip (2'). Journalist Jordi Picazo confronts cardinal Omella for covering up sex abuse
2. Transcript of the video audio:
JORDI PICAZO: I wanted to ask Don Javier, but first, thank you. Thank you because your presentation does seem credible. My question is, how can we give credibility to all this if the cardinal present here appears on the list provided by "El País" as a concealer: if he is being sued today along with Secretary Argüello and the vice president for economic affairs of the CEE, Fernando Giménez Barriocanal, in a Madrid court, with the lawsuit admitted and they are called to testify, for alleged document forgery; and when the cardinal has crushed an over-80-year-old priest, a former eclesiastical prosecutor at the diocese of Barcelona, in an attempt by the cardinal to hide evidence of pedophilia from the Casa de Santiago, the most serious case of pedophilia in the Spanish church, which had been sent to Rome emaciated, and now the cardinal has discovered they are kept by the former prosecutor, over 80 years old; how can we grant the intentions of the cardinal any credibility; if a priest accused in the press of Equatorial Guinea of raping a 10-year-old altar girl now works for the cardinal; how can we believe —and this is a question I ask as a journalist, dedicated to the truth, even though the cardinal has slandered me, threatened me with any canonical penalty he wishes to impose on a journalist!
CARDINAL OMELLA: But you, excuse me—
PICAZO: No, I am asking Mr. Cremades.
JAVIER CREMADES: Yes, no, thank you very much for the question...
PICAZO: [to the cardinal] You must resolve this before the Spanish justice system, not before me. [To Mr. Cremades] The question was about credibility, how can we believe.
CREMADES: Well, we must wait to see our work; we have 25 years of professional experience, we have international standards of protection for victims, and we trust that we will be able to access the truth and present it to society. I am convinced of this. More questions.
See in this link here, the previous post where two video clips of the Press Conference are shown (the entry of the leaders of the law firm Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo and Cardinal Omella, and the brief introductions by Javier Cremades and the cardinal).
3. The full video
Copyright @2024 JACQUES PINTOR. Any citation of this article must directly reference this entry, this blog, and the author Jacques Pintor. For further information, write to jacquespintor@gmail.com Twitter @jacquesplease.

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