The "Jacques Pintor" research team has been the sole source of public information on Amadeo Elcoso since 2019 with the publication of the first book of three of the written work and which can be purchased on Amazon.
Mind the 5 gaps on some serious issues of sexual abuse that have been hidden in certain parts of Spain.
Have a good read.
Jacques Pintor
Copyright @2024 JACQUES PINTOR Any quotation from this article must refer directly to this entry, this Blog and the author Jacques Pintor. To contribute information write to jacquespintor@gmail.com, Twitter @jacquesplease
There's this priest, Amadeo Elcoso, who used to be part of Opus Dei in Monzón, a town in Huesca, Spain. This guy is accused of abusing loads of children and young adults. Right now, he's on trial for raping an 8-year-old altar boy, who's now 20. We have written about him in our books, but it's only recently that other people in Spain have started to look into what he did. You can read more about his trial here.
In Barcelona, there's this sad episode that started decades ago of the late "House of Santiago". It was a seminary for elder-age vocations to the priesthood that included a youth group led by deacons who were into free sex, leading to some horrific consequences, including the suicide of a teenage girl. The Church higher-ups, Cardinals Omella and Martínez-Sistach among others, have been shady about it and tried to cover things up. There's also a guy, Salvador Biarnés, who blackmailed Cardinal Omella to pay him €81,000 or he'd expose the evidence that is kept under custody by some old-school guys who want the truth to be known. We have reported all of this to the police.
There's a young priest from Jaca who has been visiting gay sex clubs since he was a minor and continued to do so until entering the seminary, and friends and mates of him at one of the three seminaries he went through suspect that he continued whilst in the military seminary in Madrid. He's currently in charge of teaching children about faith, which is concerning, given his background. He's filed a complaint against our team member, the journalist Jordi Picazo in Spain, for revealing his activities to the people, who in fact could be considered his victims as parents of children who are taught by him.
In Mataró, at a Marian school, there was this brother Conde who abused lots of children back in the 70s. We are the only ones who have talked to victims of this man religious and documented their stories. We are trying to encourage them to take legal action.
Finally, there's this priest, Longinos, from Equatorial Guinea who studied and was ordained in Barcelona by Cardinal Martínez-Sistach. He also obtained a Doctorate in Theology in Barcelona. He's been accused of raping an altar girl in his home country. The local cardinal, Omella, knows about the accusations but hasn't done anything about it.
Lastly, there's been some recent studies and reports by both the Spanish Conference of Bishops and the Independent Commission for the Study of the Pederasty in the Portuguese Catholic Church stating that a significant number of abuse cases in the Church involve homosexual clergy and those who are emotionally unstable. It's a pretty grim situation and this information must be brought to light.

You can order the THIRD volume of the work in this link. And through it, read for free several chapters of the two volumes.
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