"EL PAÍS" HAS DONE US A FAVOR" -Cardinal Omella
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January '22 - Cardinal Omella is mentioned in the Spanish daily "El País" and is reported as covering up for sexual abuse. We have been investigating and journalistically reporting this cover-up of this Prelate for three years now. The scope of our investigation extends from the concealment by Cardinal Omella of abuses committed by a homosexual priest of Opus Dei when the Cardinal was bishop of Barbastro-Monzón to the present moment. Now he seeks to destroy the evidence of the most severe case of pederasty in the Catholic Church in Spain, the so-called "Casa de Santiago" case.
Yanelis Tovar
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1.- Omella mentioned in an article of "El País" as having covered up sexual abuse
Through canonical sentences, unpublished documents or confessions of several dioceses, EL PAÍS has accredited that at least 11 bishops, some of them already deceased, avoided investigating the complaints of abuse that they had known about in eight cases and covered them up: Teodoro Úbeda (who was bishop of Mallorca), Jesús Sanz (Oviedo), Antonio Briva (former bishop of Astorga), José María Cases (he was of Segorbe-Castellón), Mauro Rubio (former head of Salamanca), Braulio Rodríguez (Toledo), Carlos López (Salamanca), Ricard Maria Carles (former bishop of Barcelona), Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach (emeritus of Barcelona), Juan José Omella (Barcelona), also a cardinal, and Julián López (León).
NÚÑEZ, J.; DOMÍNGUEZ, I. (March 17, 2019) "Eleven Spanish bishops have covered up abuse cases in the last 40 years". "ElPaís.com."

2.- Cardinal Omella escapes in a hostage queue at the exit of an armed robbery.
The now Cardinal Omella, having returned from Rome on an ad limina visit with the Spanish bishops to the Pope, pretends to lead the crusade to finally clarify all the abuses. Is he slipping along the queue of the hostages of his concealment? Is he thus waiting for time to do its job and once again see everything is forgotten? Is that why he persecutes Jordi Picazo, a collaborator in this investigation, and fuels criminal complaints against him, a registered journalist who investigates and exposes the activities of the Cardinal?
Before the COVID 19 health crisis, evidence was sent to Rome -again?- about the Casa de Santiago. However, they were sent to Rome skimmed by the same Judicial Vicar of Omella, the Right Reverent Santiago Bueno. Let us remember that since Cardinal Omella, counting him as 1, the evidence incriminates four cardinals in the Diocese of Barcelona: Omella, Sistach, Carles, and Jubany.
We also reported recently that Cardinal Omella tried to crush Monsignor Jaime Gonzalez Agapito a few weeks ago. González Agápito is the former prosecutor of the Diocese of Barcelona. Omella wants him out and far away because he keeps the complete original evidence safe. He instructed the complaints of the victims of abuse in the circles of Casa de Santiago in the Diocese of Barcelona, which their parents filed. Moreover, that could cost Cardinal Omella the Cardinal's biretta, after Francis I goes back to the House of the Father, that is.
3.- Omella sued for falsification of documents on the same day he was elected president of the EEC.
We must not forget the recent lawsuit against Omella and the Secretary of the EEC, Monsignor Argüello, and the vice-secretary of economic affairs of the EEC and president of the COPE, Fernando Giménez Barriocanal. Our WEB page is the only page showing the complaint, page by page, in full pictures. Nevertheless, as it happens, Omella wants to "save the abused from the abusers he has hidden." The world is upside down, that is.

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