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Attack on Free Journalism. Jordi Picazo Case: Prison, Fine, and Costs for Clarifying Operation Zaragoza. Trial Video, Verdict, Appeal

Actualizado: 15 nov 2024



Judge and Prosecutor Incompetent and Outdated: Assimilate Journalistic Complaint to Rage and Hostility. They Conclude That Due to Feeling Rage and Hostility, Picazo's Testimony Was a Lie.

Our investigations, handed over to the Pope's Nuncio in June 2021, have led to the ecclesiastical condemnation of former judicial vicar Roberto Ferrer, his sentimental partner, former diocesan notary Maricarmen Amador, and Rev. Antonio Mas. Ferrer accuses Picazo, posing as a victim of the journalist. The Judge and the Prosecutor in a laughable trial, without Picazo who was not summoned, equate journalistic investigation with rage and hostility.

In a previous entry, we introduced this series of Documents. We begin with the analysis of the response of the former judicial vicar Roberto Ferrer Sarroca, to the Appeal by Journalist Jordi Picazo to the sentenced condemning him for reporting on Roberto ferrer (This priest was condemned by the Roman Rota for hatred and conspiracy against his bishop, and by the Spanish Justice for stealing money from his Diocese. Ferrer denounces the journalist who led him to ecclesiastical condemnation, a member of the Jacques Pintor team, Jordi Picazo).

Here we go with the first of several documents we are going to publish about the brutal legal persecution suffered by journalist Jordi Picazo, a member of the Jacques Pintor team in Spain! In this series, we will expose how justice has been manipulated and twisted to condemn Picazo without his presence in Zaragoza in May 2024, ignoring the decisions of other judges who had already ruled in his favor.

This entry constitutes the analysis of the response of the former judicial vicar of the Diocese of Zaragoza, Roberto Ferrer Sarroca, to the appeal presented by Picazo before the Zaragoza Court regarding his conviction for carrying out his journalistic work. Let us remember that it was our investigation, and all the documents handed over to the Pope's Nuncio by Picazo in Madrid in June 2021, that led to the ecclesiastical condemnation of former judicial vicar Ferrer, former notary Miss Maricarmen Amador [sexual partner of priest Ferrer], and Rev. Antonio Mas by the Spanish Rota (the president is the Nuncio in Spain) and ratified by the Roman Rota in 2023. The Spanish press remained silent all these years. We have taken charge.

We will present Ferrer's lawsuit against Picazo for revenge, the conviction, and how, in an undignified and reprehensible act (Indignum et Reprehensibile), all fair and legal procedures were bypassed.

Following will be the video of the trial and the complaint of the Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Law Firm against Jordi Picazo in defense of clerical homosexuality and influence peddling. This is surprising, considering that Picazo collaborated with the Cremades firm, handing over our investigation and an 80-page report prepared by him, and meeting privately with the president of the Independent Audit of Portugal on Sexual Abuse by clerics of the Catholic Church, in his office in Lisbon, and with Javier Cremades in his office in Madrid.

You will be surprised to see how justice in Spain is so dismantled that it goes straight down the drain!

Happy reading!

Yanelis Tovar

1. Attack on Free Journalism in the Case of Jordi Picazo. Analysis of Roberto Ferrer Sarroca's Response to the Appeal Filed by Picazo Against the One-Year Prison Sentence and a €10,000 Fine and Costs.
   - Personal Animus and Revenge
   - Persistence in False Evidence
   - Incorrect Data
   - Abusive Language
2. These reproaches would be perfectly applicable to lawyer Piazuelo and priest Ferrer.
3. Ferrer’s lies evidenced in the Light of the Archival Order (April 14, 2021) of Ferrer's First Complaint Against Picazo.
   - Recordings and Publications
   - Abuse Complaint
   - Insults
   - Principle of Minimal Intervention
4. Ferrer’s lies evidenced in the Light of the Provincial Court’s Ruling (May 26, 2021) in Favor of Picazo Against Ferrer’s Accusations.
6. Appeal Filed by Jordi Picazo. Downloadable.
7. The Non-Final Sentence Against Jordi Picazo, Appealed. A Mockery of Justice. Downloadable.

1. Attack on Free Journalism in the Case of Jordi Picazo. Analysis of Roberto Ferrer Sarroca’s Response to the Appeal Filed by Picazo Against the One-Year Prison Sentence and a 1,350 € Fine, plus Costs (thousands)

- Personal Animus and Revenge

The lawyer of Roberto Ferrer insists on the personal animus of Jordi Picazo towards his client, based on previous complaints and alleged assaults. However, the Provincial Court of Zaragoza, in its ruling of December 18, 2020, indicated that malice cannot be inferred from the filing of a complaint, thus discarding the accusation of animus repeatedly used by Ferrer's lawyer (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Ruling, December 18, 2020, p. 14).

- Persistence in False Evidence

Ferrer's lawyer repeatedly uses evidence that has been proven false:

- Email: The lawyer mentions an email sent to Internet outlet "Periodista Digital" in July 2019, allegedly linked to Jordi Picazo under the pseudonym Jacques Pintor. However, no recipient was presented in this email (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Document, May 26, 2021, p. 9).

- Blog Creation Date: It is claimed that the Jacques Pintor blog was operated by Picazo before 2016, although evidence provided by Ferrer shows that Picazo only began publishing under this corporate pseudonym in February 2020, after receiving authorization (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Document, May 26, 2021, p. 16).

- Call to Periodista Digital: Ferrer claimed to have spoken with the director of Periodista Digital, who supposedly confirmed that Jacques Pintor was Picazo. This fact was not formally corroborated during the trial (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Document, May 26, 2021, p. 11).

- Incorrect Data

Ferrer's lawyer accuses Picazo of starting to write about him in 2016, but:

- Picazo arrived in Zaragoza in 2017.

- Picazo met Ferrer in 2019.

- These dates disprove the accusations that Picazo had begun writing about Ferrer before meeting him (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Document, May 26, 2021, p. 9 and p. 16).

- Abusive Language

Ferrer's lawyer employs language that can be considered abusive against Jordi Picazo. Below is a list of specific terms and phrases used that reflect this attitude:

- "Undignified and reprehensible": The lawyer describes Picazo's behavior of recording conversations as "undignified and reprehensible," implying a strong moral condemnation and lack of ethics.

- "Complicating all judicial procedures": Picazo is accused of intentionally complicating judicial processes, suggesting manipulation and bad faith.

- "Lying": Picazo is repeatedly accused of lying, both in his testimony and in other contexts.

- "Delaying everything he can": Picazo is imputed with the intention of deliberately delaying judicial procedures.

- "Trying to handle justice at his whim": This phrase suggests that Picazo tries to manipulate the judicial system for his own ends, insinuating dishonesty and lack of integrity.

- "Manifestly uncertain and intolerable": Referring to Picazo's allegations of false evidence, the lawyer uses very strong language to discredit these accusations.

- "Grave and false accusation": Referring to an accusation of fabricated document, the lawyer uses terms that intensify the severity of the matter and discredit Picazo.

- "Typical tactic of Mr. Picazo": It is suggested that Picazo has a pattern of dishonest and manipulative behavior in all judicial processes he participates in.

- "Shamelessly": Implies that Picazo acts shamelessly and without remorse.

- "Contempt for the right to information": Picazo is accused of not respecting fundamental rights related to information, trying to divert attention from the core of the procedure.

2. These reproaches would be perfectly applicable to lawyer Piazuelo and priest Ferrer.

- "Undignified and Reprehensible" - Indignum et Reprehensibile: It can be argued that Ferrer's behavior in using false evidence and manipulating facts is undignified and reprehensible (Indignum et Reprehensibile), as it casts doubt on the integrity of the judicial system and unfairly affects Picazo's reputation. The use of dishonest tactics to win a case reflects a lack of professional ethics on the part of Ferrer and his lawyer Piazuelo.

- "Complicating all judicial procedures" - Procedendi Perplexitatem: The constant use of dismissed evidence and dilatory tactics could be interpreted as an attempt by Ferrer and Piazuelo to complicate all judicial procedures (Procedendi Perplexitatem), unnecessarily complicating the process and seeking advantage through confusion and the wear and tear of the other party.

- "Lying" - Mendacium: Ferrer's repeated accusations, which have been proven false, indicate a constant lying (Mendacium). The insistence on incorrect data and dismissed evidence shows a lack of honesty in their approach.

- "Delaying everything he can" - Omnia Diu Trahere: The use of dilatory tactics and the insistence on baseless appeals could be seen as an attempt by Ferrer and Piazuelo to delay everything they can (Omnia Diu Trahere) in judicial procedures, seeking to gain time and strategic advantage.

- "Trying to handle justice at his whim" - Arbitrio Iustitiam Moderari: Ferrer and Piazuelo's actions, in manipulating facts and evidence, can be interpreted as an attempt to handle justice at their whim (Arbitrio Iustitiam Moderari), adjusting the truth and judicial procedures to their personal interests instead of seeking a fair and equitable resolution.

- "Manifestly uncertain and intolerable" - Manifesto Incerta et Intolerabilis: Ferrer's allegations, which have been repeatedly debunked by evidence and judicial rulings, can be described as manifestly uncertain and intolerable (Manifesto Incerta et Intolerabilis), as they represent a manipulation of the truth and a lack of respect for the judicial process.

- "Grave and false accusation" - Gravissima et Falsa Accusatio: The accusations against Picazo of using false evidence and manipulating justice are, in reality, grave and false accusations (Gravissima et Falsa Accusatio) by Ferrer and Piazuelo. These accusations have been dismissed on several occasions, demonstrating the lack of basis in their claims.

- "Typical tactic of Mr. Ferrer" - Solita Tactica Domini Ferrer: Ferrer's pattern of behavior in using false evidence, distorting facts, and manipulating the judicial process could be described as a typical tactic (Solita Tactica) of Reverend. Ferrer. This reflects a dishonest and manipulative approach in their legal actions.

- "Shamelessly" - Sine Pudore: Ferrer's tactics, can be seen as acting shamelessly (Sine Pudore), showing a lack of remorse and a willingness to use any means to achieve their goals.

- "Contempt for the right to information" - Contemptus Iuris Informationis: The manipulation of facts and the presentation of false evidence show a contempt for the right to information (Contemptus Iuris Informationis), attempting to distort the truth and divert attention from the real facts of the case.

3. Ferrer's Lies Evidenced in the Light of the Archival Order (April 14, 2021) of Ferrer's First Complaint Against Picazo

The Archival Order issued on April 14, 2021, by Magistrate Judge Mercedes Terrer Baquero of the Zaragoza Court of Instruction No. 3, offers important refutations to Ferrer's allegations:

- Recordings and Publications: The Judge determined that the recordings and publications made by Picazo, although done without explicit consent, did not constitute a violation of the fundamental right to the secrecy of communications, as the conversations were held in contexts where the complainants could reasonably expect their interlocutor to record and use them (Archival Order, April 14, 2021, pp. 6 and 8).

- Abuse Complaint: The ruling notes that Ferrer's acquittal in the abuse complaint filed by Picazo does not imply that the complaint was false, as the lack of evidence cannot automatically be considered as proof of falsity (Archival Order, April 14, 2021, pp. 6 and 8).

- Insults: Regarding the accusations of insults, the Judge assessed that Picazo's critical or derogatory comments about Ferrer and Amador did not exceed the criminal sphere and could not be considered criminally actionable, suggesting that any claim should be resolved through civil proceedings (Archival Order, April 14, 2021, pp. 6 and 8).

- Principle of Minimal Intervention: The Order emphasizes the principle of minimal intervention of Criminal Law, suggesting that Ferrer's possible claims should be addressed outside the criminal sphere, reaffirming the provisional dismissal of the case (Archival Order, April 14, 2021, p. 6).

4. Ferrer's Lies Evidenced in the Light of the Provincial Court’s Ruling (May 26, 2021) in Favor of Picazo Against Ferrer’s Accusations

The ruling of the Provincial Court of Zaragoza, issued on May 26, 2021, confirms the Archival Order of the first instance and reinforces the arguments in favor of Jordi Picazo:

- Revelation of Secrets: The Zaragoza Court points out that the conversations recorded by Picazo occurred with the full consent of the participants. The fact that one party records the conversation cannot be considered appropriation or revelation of secrets, as the content of the conversation belongs to both parties (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Ruling, May 26, 2021, pp. 10 and 14).

- Intimacy Sphere: The ruling clarifies that the so-called revealed secrets do not belong to the complainants' intimacy sphere, as they refer to matters related to the local Church of Zaragoza, which are of public interest and not private (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Ruling, May 26, 2021, pp. 10 and 14).

- Insults: Regarding the accusations of insults, the Court highlights that the expressions used by Picazo about Ferrer, although derogatory, do not constitute a criminally actionable insult. Freedom of expression and criticism in the context of journalistic investigation undermine the “animus iniurandi” (intention to insult) (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Ruling, May 26, 2021, pp. 10 and 14).

- Principle of Minimal Intervention: The Court reiterates the principle of minimal intervention of Criminal Law, emphasizing that Ferrer's possible claims should be addressed in the civil sphere, not the criminal (Provincial Court of Zaragoza Ruling, May 26, 2021, pp. 10 and 14).

- Presentation of Dossier and Ecclesiastical Convictions: In 2021, a dossier of almost 100 pages prepared by a professor, police officer, and expert who works at the foundation chaired by Cardinal Omella was presented. This dossier, commissioned by Amador and Ferrer, shows a high animus against Picazo. Despite being condemned by the Church and Civil Judge in Zaragoza, Ferrer and Amador, with contempt for judicial authority, bring the same accusations again. The Chilean blog Jacques Pintor, which has basic hacker protection, was pointed out by the expert as indicative of Jordi Picazo's authorship based solely on the coincidence of the initials "JP". This expert also claimed that the blog and its documents use software compatible with Microsoft, which is a trivial and non-probative fact. The shocking part of the case is that the lawyer's initials for Ferrer are also JP. Recall that Cardinal Omella led the plot against Archbishop Manuel Ureña of Zaragoza, for which Ferrer was condemned by the High Tribunal of the Church for hatred and conspitative behavious, in spite of Ferrer being pushed to do so by the same Cardinal Omella.

6. Full video of the public trial. With full subtitles (adjust subtitles in your App).

6. Appeal by Jordi Picazo. Downloadable.

7. The pendent sentence condemning journalist J Picazo for things he was acquitted by another tribunal. It has been appealed. A True Mockery of Real Justice! Downloadable

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