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En preparación la edición en inglés del libro sobre la "Trama Maña". Previsto el 29 de diciembre, Santo Tomás Becket, mártir.

Ya se está preparando la edición en inglés del libro sobre la "Trama Maña". Está previsto que se lance al mercado en formato electrónico primeramente, el 29 de diciembre, fiesta del obispo inglés católico Tomás Becket, asesinado en su catedral de Canterbury, ciudad de la que era arzobispo.

Aquí un ejemplo de las primeras páginas:

"DEDICATORIA [palabra en lengua latina]

I dedicate this book to all those people who have given their lives, whether by spending it or by losing it, for an ideal they firmly believed to be for the good of humankind. My heart especially shrinks with the thought of all those people in the world who have lost their lives because of their religious faith, and in particular the persecuted Christians in the world. With them I share the love for Christ our Savior. I dedicate this book in a particular manner to Pope Francis, Peter, the great deceived in this plot. And in a special way to Hannah, and to my mother and father. And to my children, in their everyday struggle to find meaning to this life in their youth. Kyrie, Eleison. Come, Lord, do not delay.

Jacques P.

"You have to be free of ambitions or personal goals, it's important to me, it's important. Professionalism is a lepra, a lepra. Please: there is no profession.

Pope Francis, address to the Ecclesiastical Academy, June 6, 2013


It is absurd to think that journalism should be reduced to telling a fait accompli. And I think that the word "absurd" is not idle, it refers to contradictory with respect to what would be expected of something. Even on the assumption that journalism would be reduced to narrating faits accomplis, that work would still make a lot of sense because it could help prevent the repetition of events that proved contrary to the Common Good.

However, when Journalism denounces conspiracies, corruptions or even anticipates events that are going to happen or could happen, as is often done by the British weekly The Economist - sometimes almost a "prophetic journalism" - and although the motivation was not to change the course of events but only to inform or describe in a forward Looking perspective what is coming to us, there is no doubt that this information could change the course of those events.

Such is the power of information. When it takes on the character of a denouncement, Journalism can become a collective protest. A protest that brings together many people and wills against these actions, sometimes surreptitious, that try to change things for the benefit of a privileged minority. And this task of complaining is more urgent when the perpetrators of evil are people who were expected to do exactly the opposite, to be sowers of Peace. Journalism in freedom is thus, as Sir Winston Churchill reminds us, " guarantor of democracy". This narrative portrays several of these people from whom, expecting the good, wickedness was obtained. PopeSaint Paul VI already said that "Satan's smoke had penetrated the Church".

Pope Francis placed on the door of his suite in the hotel where he lives, the Santa Marta of the Vatican City-State, a small sign that was presented to him by someone anonymous in St. Peter's Square when he spontaneously greeted the Pope in an Audience: "No Complaining". But Francis is a mastermind, and I'm sure he didn't mean that. One must complain, like St. Teresa of Avila to Jesus with a "Why Lord do you allow...? "and who obtained from his beloved God the sorrowful answer - "Teresa, Teresa, I have wanted, but men have not wanted". And her later reproach to God Himself - "If you treat your friends like this, I am not surprised that you have so few".

Jacques P"





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